Introducing Rumah Cerdas Berbudi Luhur

This is my first post about RCBL, one of my great experience of teaching students and child om remote area. I've been joining this activities on september 2012. Please watch this documented video.

RCBL stands for Rumah Cerdas Berbudi Luhur (Intelligent Home Virtuous). It is a public service program that engages the whole civitas Academica of Budi Luhur Cakti Education Foundation.  This Program inspired by the ideals of the founders of the Foundation Mr. Drs. HS. Djaetun  to establish a library in the village to support science and literature sources affordability for people who are less able to access book as a source of information and knowledge. RCBL Program finally realized with the establishment of TBM (Taman Baca Masyarakat) RCBL at Madurejo village, Prambanan, Sleman District, Yogyakarta. As executor of the RCBL Program, Budi Luhur Foundation Cakti involves selected students from various faculties at the University and College Secretary of Budi Luhur. Students who participate in the program of RCBL are selected through RCBL KKN scholarship program.
In February 2012, a team consisting of 7 students managed to collect 2000 book for TBM RCBL. On September, this activity was followed by second team consisting of 8 students, which carried out the program continued from the first team. The second team attempted to not only increase interest in reading and community visits to TBM RCBL, but also empowers TBM RCBL as a center of academic and non-academic activities as well as a place to share knowledge soft skills, arts, sport and culture for the community, particularly children.  Around 50 children from various elementary and early childhood visits TBM RCBL every day and with great enthusiasm attend activities organized by the team RCBL.
During the program ​​team RCBL has done various community service activities such as educational activities, simple soft skills training and activities of arts, culture and sports. At the closing of event, rcbl team also held aGebyar Desa “. This event  include quiz contest for elementary, drawing, coloring, art and cultural performances, bazzar, free medical support and other community celebrations. The event was run successfully and strongly supported and enthused by the local community.
RCBL programs that have been implemented continuously during two periods has proven to increase the interest in reading and learning of children in Madurejo. Concern and Cooperation of all people are very needed to keep RCBL program’s continue.
Through the RCBL program, let's open the window to their world.

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