Let Go, Let God

We made not much memories, thats all I can arguing to put you way of my mind. You should know that I've never want to be like this. Distance is a matter for me. A big one. Don't make me remember you or cryin' you more than this. I can only feel your love, but now you're gone. its been much a while. But I still want you.
''The hardest thing to let go is someone you have loved so much, someone you have shared much of your life and you always thought he or she would be forever there. Once you build this attachment, it is like a habit to you, how your day will be is dependent on how your relationship is going to be with that other person for that day. It is an investment to put your heart completely to another person that when it fails, we go into emptiness.''
When I lost the one I love
I never thought of letting go or moving on as an option for my failed relationship. I thought my relationship was never going to end, a fairytale come true. It felt like everything was going the way we wanted. We even planned our future together, believing that we were meant to be in that relationship. The sweet promises of forever, an everlasting love, we had it all. We spent almost two years together, everything was going well until one day he wanted a different life, a life that I am not part of.
Minutes were like hours, days were like months, and months were like years. The cycle was too tiring; I kept on crying, wishing and regretting. It was like I will never move on. It was just too hard, because I had built a world around this person. How can I just move on when I was still in love with him…? I just can’t move.
Why it was hard for me to let go
I fought a painful reality because I could not see myself being with another person, or him with another person. It was just hard to accept but it was inevitable. I tried pursuing him, tried all methods of persuasion, and prayed hard. I did everything that I could do, but he was never coming back. It left me so broken; I felt that I was trapped in the pain of defeat.
No matter how we enrich ourselves, we always feel that we are at a loss, thoughts of that person hang into our mind, dragging us into an abyss full of pain, regret and sometimes self-pity. We become so helpless, we just can’t let go of the fact that he is gone, we still want to hold on so much, but we find ourselves alone.
I am not a stranger to pain and to loss, but even with my deep experience I never found an easy way to let go. We love passionately, that when we lose, we become stuck. It is normal to feel this way, the feeling of wanting to hold on to that relationship, to that person, believing so much that things could still work out, or that person will still come back to us and pick us out from the pains of loneliness and heartbreak. But later on we realize he  is never coming back. there is no more yo.
What it takes to let go
Let Go! We have heard this so much, but we simply can’t, we just can’t… or can we? It takes a lot of courage, time and confidence. Courage, to stand and try to live life again. Time, to patiently wait and allow it to make all the hurt go away. Confidence, to believe in ourselves and know that we can be happy again.
Let go, let God
Life will always be meaningful, no matter how depressing life maybe. Letting go is just one of those struggles that we have to face. Be moved by people who have had the courage to move, to let go. If we find the pain to be too much, God is always there, just hang on a little longer. Remember that the best tip on letting go is praying to God. No matter how harsh life is, God will always be there and will never let us go.

Happy Birthday Anistiara

My sweet lil friend Anistiara Buhaimi was having her 19th birthday last 2 days ago. The  moment was celebrated simply, she didnt make any glorius party or something, but her mom,  was inviting us to visit her house and had a luch. She got lots of shocking and surprised extra party from her fellas. on that day, she got egg and flour all over her body. Its funny to watched how her friends showed her how big their love is. Too bad, we didnt picturing  Anis's nasty look of eggy and floury look, because we are too bussy to pelted her. poor the birthday girl.

Picture By : Wan May
The cake was bought 30 minutes before the surprised. Nunu, another close friend of her got another surprise cake, though her birthday has passed days ago. they're friendship is so beautiful. good to see them. happy birthday friends, wish you guys all the best. Always wants to try nasi uduk of Anis's mom again.

Another Spectacullar Movement of 60's : Hippies

Hippies. We throw around this word in reference to the drug using, long-haired, music loving people of the 1960’s or even of today’s day and age. But what does being a hippie really mean? Although a light-hearted and generally carefree people, the true definition of being a hippie lies much deeper. According to an article by Skip Stone on hippy.com
 "Being a hippie is a matter of accepting a universal belief system that transcends the social, political, and moral norms of any established structure, be it a class, church, or government. It is a philosophical approach to life that emphasizes freedom, peace, love and a respect for others and the earth."
        The hippie movement in the United States originally began as a youth movement in the early 1960’s and rapidly grew to an established social group by 1965. This was a time of standing up for your beliefs, mind exploration and sexual revolution. Many during this time, especially young adults between the ages of 15 and 25, found these ideals appealing. It was a step outside societal norms, it was something new, which led to the rapid subculture growth. Some would say that the hippie movement like that of the 1960’s has fizzled out, but it is still alive and well today. Not only are the legacies of this movement still apparent in many aspects of today’s society, but there is also a modern hippie movement occurring.
          Some things that the hippie movement left its mark on includes; religious and cultural diversity, a wide range of appearances and clothing styles, frankness regarding sexual matters, interest in naturals foods, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements. Although less apparent, there is still a hippie movement occurring today, what some call the modern hippie movement or the neo-hippie movement. This movement doesn’t differ much from that of the 60’s, except general political activism has turned largely towards environmental activism. Over recent years, an increasing amount of people have noticed the fragility of our environment and how we are on the brink of destroying it forever. In response, we have seen an increase in environmental activism comparable to the activism of the original hippie movement. Aside from environmentalism, many of the core ideals like peace and love remain the same. I believe that in time, the modern hippie movement will reach the size of the original and people will once again let their freak flags fly and become all they are destined to be.
I can only say that the hippie thing's is really interesting me.

Picture taken from hippie.com

Dampak Asean-China Free trade Agreement Terhadap Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia

Setelah mengikuti sebuah kuliah umum yang membahas mengenai ACFTA di kampus beberapa hari yang lalu, yang saya pikirkan bukan seberapa besar keuntungan yang mungkin akan kita peroleh dengan mengikuti kesepakatan ini, melainkan seberapa besar Indonesia diperdayai oleh kesepakatan seperti ini. Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN–Cina atau dikenal sebagai ASEAN–China Free Trade Area, (ACFTA), adalah suatu kawasan perdagangan bebas di antara anggota-anggota ASEAN dan Cina. Kerangka kerjasama kesepakatan ini ditandatangani di Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 4 November 2002, dan ditujukan bagi pembentukan kawasan perdagangan bebas pada tahun 2010,tepatnya 1 Januari 2010. Setelah pembentukannya ini ia menjadi kawasan perdagangan bebas terbesar sedunia dalam ukuran jumlah penduduk dan ketiga terbesar dalam ukuran volume perdagangan, setelah Kawasan Perekonomian Eropa dan NAFTA.

Pertemuan ACFTA
Dengan adanya ACFTA maka hambatan peradangan yang berupa peraturan ekspor-impor dikurangi, akibatnya barang-barang dari luar negeri lebih mudah masuk ke Indonesia, begitu juga barang-barang dari indonesia akan lebih mudah masuk ke Negara yang juga menandatangani perjanjian tersebut. Jika dilihat, tujuan ACFTA memang untuk meningkatkan nilai perdagangan antarnegara. Namun, yang terjadi di Indonesia setelah berlakunya ACFTA, adalah kita tidak mampu bersaing dengan produk luar, produk ASEAN terlebih lagi produk China. Indonesia dalam berbagai perjanjian perdagangan bebas hanya dijadikan pasar oleh negara-negara lainnya karena jumlah penduduknya yang banyak dan kualitas produk lokalnya yang relatif rendah.

Dengan adanya ACFTA cita-cita Indonesia untuk meraih ketahanan pangan justru semakin sulit. Perdagangan bebas seperti ini cenderung merugikan petani dalam negeri terutama dalam masalah persaingan harga.Dengan kalah saingnya produk pertanian kita dibanding produk luar, mengakibatkan turunnya minat di pertanian sehingga produksi lokal pun menurun.Ini mengakibatkan ketergantungan yang lebih jauh terhadap barang impor.
Menurut saya pribadi, sebaiknya pemerintah mengkaji ulang perjanjian ACFTA. Karena ini berkaitan dengan nasib perekonomian bangsa Indonesia. Atau setidaknya pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan proteksi untuk produk-produk pertanian lokal. Jangan malu mengakui bahwa Indonesia memang belum siap untuk perjanjian dagang seperti ini. Persiapkan dulu segala aspeknya, jangan terburu-buru mengikuti perjanjian dagang hanya karena tergiur oleh iming-iming negara lain yang nyata-nyata malah melemahkan produksi lokal kita sendiri.

Heysel Tragedi

Talking about football and its development lately, reminds me of the Heysel tragedy. I have not yet born when the incident occurred. for those who experience it certainly unforgettable lifetime. Heysel tragedy occurred on May 29, 1985 at which time it was going game between Liverpool and Juventus in the Champions Cup.
This tragedy stems from the fans of each club who mock and harass each other. Then about an hour before kick off Liverpool's group of hooligans broke into the barrier region Juventus tifosi. Nothing happens in the resistance because it is not a group of Ultras. Juventus supporters were trying to get away but then the barrier wall in the sector collapsed because no weight-bearing power of the people who continue to try rush and jump over the fence. Hundreds of people crushed by a falling wall. As a result of these events as much as 39 people died and 600 more were injured.

This tragedy can be forgiven but not forgotten. Winning isn't everything.

Picture Taken from : You'llNeverWalkAlone


What is friendship all about?

I guess it just about being accompanied by the people that we love during our hardest momment. I never be someone that make you guys proud. I’m hopeless, and I have no great thing to make you proud of me.And if there is anything much to share, its about gloomy time.

I dont know, maybe they are all too tired to listen to my sad story. or they are too borred. but they are keep listening. they warm up my cold soul.
it just me, the girl who pretend to be the unbreakable young lady that actually I'm not.

and I cant be, but you guys turn me into a stronger one one day by day.
so I dont know what is friendship  all about.
I’m just lucky to have them.

I'm  just saying that its really, without you guys, I’m nothing.
may Allah be with you always. Amin.

Sebuah Tanya

Sebuah Tanya

akhirnya semua akan tiba
pada suatu hari yang biasa
pada suatu ketika yang telah lama kita ketahui

apakah kau masih berbicara selembut dahulu
memintaku minum susu dan tidur yang lelap?
sambil membenarkan letak kemeja leherku

(kabut tipis pun turun pelan pelan
di lembah kekasih, lembah mandalawangi
kau dan aku tegak berdiri
melihat hutan hutan yang menjadi suram
meresapi belaian angin yang yang menjadi dingin)

apakah kau masih membelaiku semesra dahulu
ketika kudekap kau
dekaplah lebih mesra, lebih dekat

(lampu-lampu berkelipan di jakrta yang sepi
kota kita berdua, yang tua dan terlena dalam mimpinya
kau dan aku bicara
tanpa kata. tanpa suara
ketika malam yang basah menyelimuti jakrta kita)

apakah kau masih akan berkata
kudengar derap jantungmu
kita begitu berbeda dalam semua
kecuali dalam cinta

(hari pun menjadi malam
kulihat semuanya menjadi muram
wajah-wajh yang tidak kita kenal berbicara
dalam bahasa yang kita tidak mengerti
seperti kabut pagi itu)

manisku, aku akan jalan terus
membawa kenang-kenangan dan harapan-harapan
bersama hidup yang begitu biru

selasa, 1 april 1969
-Soe Hok -Gie